I am trying to save event data objects created by my own custom lightbox using the method
scheduler.endLightbox(true, document.getElementById(‘calendar_lightbox’));
This works fine:
I try to add a new event by having the following event data object (created by my custom lightbox) ready before calling the scheduler.endLightbox() method:
({start_date:(new Date(1416817800000)), end_date:(new Date(1416831300000)), text:“new entry”, id:1417265477871, _timed:true, _sday:0, _inner:false, _sorder:0, _count:1, event_pid:"", event_length:"", rec_pattern:"", rec_type:"", additionalinfo:"", calendarID:“1”, color:"#80ff00"})
This works fine too:
I try to change the event by having this event data object ready when calling the scheduler.endLighbox() method:
({start_date:(new Date(1416817800000)), end_date:(new Date(1416827700000)), text:“new entry”, id:“43”, _timed:true, _sday:0, _inner:false, _sorder:0, _count:1, event_pid:"", event_length:"", rec_pattern:"", rec_type:"", additionalinfo:"", calendarID:“1”, color:"#80ff00", ‘!nativeeditor_status’:"", _text_style:“font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;”})
Even this works fine:
This time I want to add a recurring event:
({start_date:(new Date(1416986100000)), end_date:(new Date(1456786800000)), text:“new entry”, id:1417265477872, _timed:true, _sday:2, _inner:false, _sorder:0, _count:1, event_pid:"", event_length:9600, rec_pattern:"", rec_type:“week_1___1,2,3,4,5#no”, additionalinfo:"", calendarID:“1”, color:"#80ff00"})
if I want to CHANGE an EXISTING (rather than creating a new event) to be a RECURRING event, or change the data of an already existing recurring event by using this event data object:
({start_date:(new Date(1416986100000)), end_date:(new Date(1456786800000)), text:“new entry”, id:“44”, _timed:true, _sday:2, _inner:false, _sorder:0, _count:1, event_pid:"", event_length:9600, rec_pattern:“week_1___1,2,3,4,5”, rec_type:“week_1___1,2,3,4,5#no”, additionalinfo:"", calendarID:“1”, color:"#80ff00", ‘!nativeeditor_status’:"", _text_style:“font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;”})
then the end_date parameter seems to be set to “undefined” (which makes the whole event disappear) by the scheduler.endLighbox() method. Also the event_length parameter gets messed up. Here is what the scheduler transfers as post parameters to the server:
43_start_date: 2014-11-24 09:30
43_end_date: undefined
43_text: new entry
43_id: 43
43_event_length: 39969000
43_rec_type: week_1___1,2,3,4,5#no
43_calendarID: 1
43_color: #80ff00
43_!nativeeditor_status: updated
ids: 43
Any idea what is my problem here? I just don’t get it…