Stretch Columns

I’m using v.7.0.8 Professional and I want to achieve the same behavior as in this snippet for version 8

I want to be able to stretch the width of the columns as I want, in this case a horizontal scroll will appear, and if there are few columns or their size is small they adapt to the width of the window

Is it possible to do this like in the snippet for version 8?

Alternatively, you can disable the grid_elastic_columns property, but if there are few columns, then there will be empty space, which looks just terrible

Hello Viktor,
You need to implement a custom solution to make it work as in the 8.0+ versions.

Here are examples that can help you to start:

Manually increase the width of the first column, so that the new grid width fits the total width of all columns:

Increase the width of all columns:

Use the public and internal API to prevent the grid cell from being resized larger than the grid width:

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