can someone tell me how to style column in timeline view, which containing current day (timeline can have day, week or other unit as x_unit - I’m looking for the idea to style current column).
or maybe is there a way to style all past columns? Sorry for my english lv. and thanx for advices
thanx, but when i try to do that like in your example, class “current_week” will be added to every week of every month, wchich can contain current day number, class “past_week” will be only added to first cell. Dunno why :>
how work this function, is it called on every sub-table, containing every section timeline?
if is, maybe i’m wrong, but function should attach “past_week” class to every week till week will be current one… ?
sorry, but i cant take how it works alone, need help
is it called on every sub-table, containing every section timeline?
It is called for each cell in the timeline ( each day, each unit )
Try to use
[code]//convert date to a number
var daysnum = function(date){
return date.getFullYear()*450+date.getMonth()*350+date.getDate();
//number of today
var today = daysnum(new Date());