Styling bug when vault is attached to cell layout

If you attach Vault to a layout cell the items container gets stretched and no more than four items gets displayed per row.

Here is a working demo:

const layout = new dhx.Layout("layout", {
    type: "line",
    rows: [
            id: "a"

var dataset = [
        "size": "100000",
        "name": "index.php"
        "size": "25555",
        "name": "index.js"
        "size": "2555412",
        "name": "document.doc"
        "size": "52555",
        "name": "documentation.pdf"
        "size": "23555",
        "name": ""
        "size": "72555",
        "name": "prototype.psd"

const vault = new dhx.Vault(null, {
    mode: "grid",
    uploader: {
        target: ""
    downloadURL: ""


Hello Nikolai.

Thank you for your report. The problem was confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in one of the future updates.
I’ll inform you about any progress on this issue.

Thank you for your report.
We fixed this issue in the latest dhx.Vault update (v5.0).
You can check it in your original snippet.

Best regards.