subgrid close on call of onGridReconstructed

I´ve a big Problem.

We´ve used dhtmx Grid in a Project a long time ago (Version dhtmlx2) - now we use dhtmlx3

We´ve a grid which opens onclick several subgrids. On the subgrids we´ve an event onEditCell.

These event makes changes on the parent grid and calls finally the event “onGridReconstructed” to update the parent “Total Summary Line”.

In the past (with dhtmlx2) the Total Summary was updated correctly and the subgrids stayed all open.

Now - when we call “onGridReconstructed” - ALL Subgrids are closed - who can i prevent this? I will to keep it open!

Unfortunately the issue cannot be reconstructed locally. Please, provide any kind of sample or demo link where the issue can be reconstructed.
You can open needed subgrids manually with: