I’ve got another Problem and i can’t figure out why it doesn’t work! Could you please help me?
I have a main grid, which loads distinct database entries. It groups the MySQL results so the main grid is populated with a minimum of rows. In the first cell of each row should be a (+) sign. When expanding / creating a new sub grid it should load XML data created with Connector. This works, i pass variables via URL (they are preserved, this works nice.) but blocking the default behavior via the events onSubGridCreated and onSubGridLoaded doesn’t work.
For example this is the code:
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject("gridbox");
mygrid.setHeader("POS,Krz,ProjNr,Name,Datum,Lieferant,Art.Krz,ArtBeschr,Beschr,Menge,Einheit,E-Preis OK,E-Preis,Rabatt %,LSVA %,LSVA Fr,P total exkl MwSt,Kontakt,T exkl MwSt,Total inkl MwSt,Rechnung OK,Rechnungsdatum,Wir-Anteil Fr.,Wir-Anteil %,Lieferdatum,Lieferort,Wer braucht,Ort");
mygrid.attachHeader(" , , ,#select_filter,#select_filter,#text_search,#select_filter,#select_filter,#text_search,#text_search, ,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#text_search,,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#text_search,#text_search, ,#text_search");
this works… the events:
mygrid.attachEvent("onSubGridCreated",function(subgrid, id, ind){
var connectorURL = "php/get_control.php?project=" + mygrid.cells(id,2).getValue() + "&date=" + mygrid.cells(id,4).getValue();
subgrid.setHeader("POS,Krz,ProjNr,Name,Datum,Lieferant,Art.Krz,ArtBeschr,Beschr,Menge,Einheit,E-Preis OK,E-Preis,Rabatt %,LSVA %,LSVA Fr,P total exkl MwSt,Kontakt,T exkl MwSt,Total inkl MwSt,Rechnung OK,Rechnungsdatum,Wir-Anteil Fr.,Wir-Anteil %,Lieferdatum,Lieferort,Wer braucht,Ort");
return false; // block the default subgrid logic
… this gives me a + sign in the main grid, but it won’t expand a sub grid. I tried it in every way, it’s not the & which causes incorrect XML and the like, it doesn’t event work with hard-coded connector XML-results. I included every JS library which is needed:
[/code]This is very strange as before anything is done in the sub grid, it’s configured and the data is loaded. I tried it with both events, configuring and initiating the grid with true return-value in “created” event and with false return-value in “loaded” event. But the onSubGridLoaded event doesn’t fire when subgrid.init(); is called.
When i place it in the onSubGridLoaded Event, the configuration, initialization and loading, it works but then it gives me an incorrect XML error.
This is get_control.
header('content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
$res = mysql_connect('comput1.mysql.db.internal', '', '');
@mysql_set_charset('utf8', $res);
$gridConn = new GridConnector($res,"MySQL");
$zeroValueFields = array('newprbool', 'newpr', 'discount', 'lsvaperc', 'lsvafr', 'totalnotax', 'billbool', 'weamfr', 'weamperc');
function removeZeros($data)
global $zeroValueFields;
foreach ($zeroValueFields as $arrVal)
if ($data->get_value($arrVal) == 0)
$data->set_value($arrVal, '');
function calc_total($data)
$pretotal = (float)$data->get_value("quant") * (float)$data->get_value("newpr");
$totalwithtax = (float)$data->get_value("totalnotax") + (((float)$data->get_value("totalnotax") / 100) * 8);
$discount = ($pretotal / 100) * (float)$data->get_value("discount");
$lsvaperc = ($pretotal / 100) * (float)$data->get_value("lsvaperc");
$lsvafr = (float)$data->get_value("lsvafr");
if ($lsvaperc !== 0 AND $lsvafr == 0) { $total = ($pretotal-$discount)+$lsvaperc; }
elseif ($lsvafr !== 0 AND $lsvaperc == 0) { $total = ($pretotal-$discount)+$lsvafr; }
else { $total = (($pretotal-$discount)+$lsvafr)+$lsvaperc; }
$data->set_value('totalwithtax', $totalwithtax);
$data->set_value('ptotalnotax', $total);
$data->remove_field('pos'); // otherwise auto_increment doesnt work for 'pos'
$gridConn->render_sql("SELECT * FROM `aktuell` WHERE `projnr` = $_GET['project'] AND `date` = $_GET['date']", "pos", "pos,shrt,projnr,name,date,distrib,artshrt,artdesc,descr,quant,unit,newprbool,newpr,discount,lsvaperc,lsvafr,ptotalnotax,contact,totalnotax,totalwithtax,billbool,billdate,weamfr,weamperc,deliveryd,deliverypl,whoneeds,place");
Do you have an idea which could help me? Is it the Identifier-Field which is used as the sub_row_grid? But that shouldn’t break it, because default logic is blocked anyhow in the SubGrid event
Help would be very appreciated thanks in advance !!!
Greetings Nick !