subgrid resize issue


I have a grid with a subgrid. When I click to open the subgrid, the main grid does not resize, i.e. the subgrid lies on top of the main grid. However, when I click to close the subgrid, and then click to open it, the main grid reszies correctly. Perhaps the data for the subgrid is now cached or something and the grid is able to resize properly or in time on the second resize but not on the first (data load)?

heres the code…

jobCalloutGrid.setHeader(’ ,Crew,Task,Callout,Date,Start,Hours,Rate,Location,Contact,Status’);



jobCalloutGrid.setInitWidths(“30,65,” + calloutVarWidth + “,” + calloutVarWidth + “,80,60,60,60,” + calloutVarWidth + “,” + calloutVarWidth + “,100”);




sub.setHeader(“Emp #,Name,Mobile,Status,Extra,Late”);

sub.setInitWidths(“61,”+ calloutVarWidth + “,” + calloutVarWidth + “,80,60,60”);




What version of dhtmlxGrid do you use? Please try to add setSizes() to the main grid after sub grid is opened:
jobCalloutGrid.attachEvent(“onSubGridLoaded”, function(sub_grid_obj,rId,rInd){

Hi,  version is //v.2.5 build 090904, I tried setSizes on the main grid but the problem remains…

Please provide us complete example where we can reproduce this issue. (Please send such example directly to the

Hi Guys,

I resolved this problem, I was using a loadXML call in the onSubGridCreated to load data into the subgrid, but when I changed this to put the URL into the first column of the main table the resize issue resolved itself.