December 6, 2007, 7:37pm
Hi!, this is my source code:
<input type=“hidden” name=“behavior” value=“load” />
My grid is IN a form, but when i submit this form all the checboxes (checked) doesn’t go through post, how can i do this?
The hidden input “Filter1” doesn’t go post too…the only data is the hidden input “behavior”…
Please help.
My Version is dhtmlxGrid_pro_v14_71022
Regards, oVox.
Please be sure that dhtmlxgrid_form.js included in your page, without this file grid will work correctly but integration with form will not work >>The hidden input “Filter1” doesn’t go post too… Not related to grid component, it just miss “name” attribute.
December 7, 2007, 2:25pm
Ok, you were right, Filter1 now is OK by POST but grid (at least checkboxes) doesn’tgo by POST, can anybody Help?
My Includes:
dhtmlxcommon.js dhtmlxgrid.js dhtmlxgrid_srnd.js dhtmlxgridcell.js dhtmlxgrid_excell_link.js dhtmlxgrid_excell_calck.js dhtmlxgrid_excell_acheck.js dhtmlxgrid_excell_calendar.js dhtmlxgrid_excell_clist.js dhtmlxgrid_form.js
My grid:
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridList’); mygrid.setImagePath(“<?=$url_library?>dhtmlx/dhtmlxGrid/codebase/imgs/”); mygrid.setHeader("-,Nombre,Valor sugerido,Descripción"); mygrid.setInitWidths(“25,, ,*”); mygrid.setColAlign(“left,left,left,left”); mygrid.setColTypes(“ch,ed,ed,ed”); mygrid.setColumnMinWidth(50,0); mygrid.setEditable (true); mygrid.enableKeyboardSupport(true);
mygrid.setSkin(“light”); mygrid.setOnRowDblClickedHandler(doOnRowDblClicked); mygrid.init(); mygrid.enableSmartRendering(true); mygrid.setOnLoadingEnd(setCounter)
Your code seems correct, but you are using “Smart Rendering” mode which can cause some side effects on form integration. If problem caused by smart rendering usage ( you can try to comment enableSmartRendering command ) - please contact us directly at support@dhtmlx.com - we will send latest code which was adapted for smart rendering mode.