when I add sub_row type to a grid, I can insert static html as a subrow. Is it also possible to add a component like e.g. a tabbar into a subrow. My master-detail record set (master data into grid row, detail data into subrow) makes me some headache because detail data has to much content to put it into a single subrow, so I need to split the subrow data somehow into different areas, where in this case a tabbar within the subrow would be the ideal solution.
I would be very thankful for a fast answer, since this problem annoys me for some days now.
While it possible technically - it pretty complex use-case.
Working sample sent by email ( you will need to update dhtmlxgrid_excell_sub_row.js with one from provided sample , it adds one more event which need in your case )
Thanks a lot for your support, but I didn’t get anything by email
Same email was sent one more time to the address which you have used in original post.
If you still not received it, please contact us directly at support@dhtmlx.com and provide any alternative email.
Thank you, got it now.
Dhtmlx-Fan Chrissu