Hello, I have multiple projects and I have task splitting, I want to swap the owners of task 1 of project 1 with task 2 of procejt 2 by dragging vertically in the Gantt chart, I don’t know What to do, can you help me?
I also want to know how I can get the task ID of the row where the mouse is, I tried mousemove, unfortunately, I can’t get it without the time frame of the task.
Thank you very much for your solution, he gave me a lot of inspiration, but I’m sorry, I can’t afford the cost of the professional version, is there a solution that can be implemented under the standard version?
Here is an updated snippet for the Standard version of Gantt: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/yiiod74t ;
In this snippet, there is no placeholder for dragging task. If you want to display a placeholder, you can implement it using JS.
If you want to get row ID from mouse event handler, you can get the ID from the data-task-id attribute of a row element with the help of gantt.utils module: https://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt_utils_other.html ;
For example, like this: