Subtasks displaying behaviour


I’ve followed the subtasks displaying example here: … aying.html

Expanded state

Collapsed state

It partially solves one of the requirements I have but there are apparently two missing features:

  1. How to keep the links (drawn) between sub-tasks?
  2. Why the locate method returns no task when the mouse event is position on top of a subtask



  1. How to keep the links (drawn) between sub-tasks?

No simple way of doing so, unfortunately.
However, you can check a new ‘split tasks’ functionality that has been added with v5.2 (released just yesterday), it may be close to what you need:

  1. Why the locate method returns no task when the mouse event is position on top of a subtask
    gantt.locate should work if subtask elements have a task id attribute set, … onfig.html

var element = document.createElement("div"); element.setAttribute(gantt.config.task_attribute,;

Thanks. I will check that.