Subtreegrid within treegrid


I need to use Treegrid inside Treegrid. Is it possible?
I have used grid with subgrid. but my requirement is Treegrid with subTreegrid?



You can use Grid with sub grids, where sub grid can be a TreeGrid.
You can’t use TreeGrid with sub TreeGrids though. Are you really need to show one inside of other one? It is trivial to show two treegrids next to each other, and on selection in master treegrid, load the related data into the second treegrid

Thank you for your answer.

I ask one more.
If i use Treegrid with subgrid??
You say grid with subtreegrid. but I need Treegrid with subgrid.

Please answer

You say grid with subtreegrid. but I need Treegrid with subgrid.

Nope, I don’t think that is will work correctly.
While it technically possible to init subgrid inside of the treegird, component was never purposed for such use-case, so sizing/positioning issues will occur for sure.

Thanks for your answer.