Suite components size differently in Windows vs Mac

I am finding that components are being resized if I use them in Mac vs Windows.

For example, I have a toolbar component that looks fine in Mac, yet is too big in Chrome and Edge on Windows.

The scroll-view-wrapper is being resized, so on Mac the elements look like this:

<div class="scroll-view-wrapper"><div class="scroll-view" style="width: calc(100% + 0px); height: calc(100% + 0px);">

And in Windows it looks like this:

<div class="scroll-view-wrapper"><div class="scroll-view" style="width: calc(100% + 15px); height: calc(100% + 15px);">

This results in the toolbar being too large for the containing element and so it scrolls.
I can’t remove it using CSS as it is being specified within the element. How can I configure Suite to stop adding this 15px to these elements?

I found a way to fix this but only by modifying suite.js directly.

In the Scrollview definition change this:

this._scrollWidth = (0, html_1.getScrollbarWidth)();
this._scrollHeight = (0, html_1.getScrollbarHeight)();

To this:

this._scrollWidth = 0;
this._scrollHeight = 0;


Could you please, clarify your issue with some sort of ta code snippet, screenshot or a complete demo, where the problem can be reconstructed?