My SQL statement successfully retrieves data via an .ashx file in ASP.Net vb. When I try to filter the returned dataset, however, I get a syntax error.
Here’s the SQL statement:
SELECT ‘Delete^javascript:Mng(’ + CONVERT(varchar(10), BoosterContacts.BCID) + ‘, 3)^_top’ As BCDel, BoosterContacts.BCFName, BoosterContacts.BCLName, BoosterContacts.BCCity, BoosterContacts.BCPh, BoosterContacts.Athlete, BoosterContacts.BCEligible FROM BoosterContacts INNER JOIN BoosterClubs ON BoosterContacts.BoosterID = BoosterClubs.BoosterID
Here’s the error msg:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><![CDATA[Select operation failed with the following error: Incorrect syntax near ' like '.Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ‘)’.]]>
Any help would be greatly appreciated!