my grid has 5 columns. with in that only 3rd column is not editable. now i want to control the tab. when i press the tab control should directly goes to 2nd column to 4th column. here i am using the code like this but event is not firing.
var ind = detailgrid.getRowIndex(detailgrid.getSelectedRowId())+1;
alert("index is "+ind);
var cind=detailgrid.getSelectedCellIndex();
alert("cind is "+cind);
if (ind==this.getRowsNum()) return true; // last row in grid
return false;
at the same time i right the code on “onEditCell” event. it works fine. but tab change is not working properly.
when i press the tab control should directly goes to 2nd column to 4th column
If you mean that only two columns need to be active for tab actions
var ind = detailgrid.getRowIndex(detailgrid.getSelectedRowId());
var cind=detailgrid.getSelectedCellIndex();
if (cind==1) cind==3; //tab from 2 to 4
else if (cind==3) { cind=1; ind++; } //tab to cell 2 on next row
if (ind==this.getRowsNum()) return true; // last row in grid
return false;