Tabbar disable close for certain tabs doesn't work?

I can’t hide the close button on a tabbar according to the documentation. We use dhtmlxSuite 4.6.1 Pro, code used:

tabbar = new dhtmlXTabBar({ parent: document.body, mode: "top", align: "left", arrows_mode: "auto", close_button: true, json: { tabs: [{ id:"mod1", text:_("Module 1"), active: true, close: false }, { id:"mod2", text:_("Module 2"), close: false },{ id:"mod3", text:_("Module 3") }] } });

A second problem occurs using onload, now I’ve added an onload function:

tabbar = new dhtmlXTabBar({ parent: document.body, mode: "top", align: "left", arrows_mode: "auto", close_button: true, json: { tabs: [{ id:"mod1", text:"Module 1", active: true, close: false }, { id:"mod2", text:"Module 2", close: false },{ id:"mod3", text:"Module 3" }] } onload: function () { console.log("Tab loaded"); } });

But nothing appears in my console (tried other calls apart from console.log, also nothing happens)…?


Fixes for both issues will be included in one of the upcoming minor or major update. If you need it urgently and you have active support subscription, please open a ticket in our support system: