TabBar htc (behavior) problems...

Internet Explorer allows htc (aka “behavior” files) to be defined as part of the style stettings, e.g., style=“width:70px;Z-INDEX:152;behavior:url(;”

When I use these type of style settings on input controls inside a tabbar, a control so defined “bleeds” through to the active tab (no matter what tab it is on).

Is there a fix for this?

Tom H.


you may try to place content with “behavior” in a seperate html page and place this page into iframe in a tab (we didn’t test this solution):


That’s not a particularly good option for us. Here’s why:

We have lots of .NET aspx’s where the are major data driven entry screens with lots of fields and your basic Create/Update/Delete capabilities. All of the controls need to be in the same frame in order to naturally correspond a particular aspx.

So, other than the iframe trick (which basically translates to rewrite – in a way we wouldn’t want to rewrite at that), any other options?

Unfortunately the problem can not be solved from our side. Tabbar doesn’t support “behavior”.