tabbar ie7 problem

Hello.I have attached two screenshots where you can see the problem i have only with ie7.It works right in ie8,firefox etc.
The problem is the space that you can clearly see.
Any ideas please?
ps:In the same page i have attached a dhtmltree control.


we have not faced with such a problem. Please provide the complete demo


i have a similar problem, but not only with IE7. It doesn´t work in IE6 AND IE8 as well.

I attached a small project sample, so maybe you can have a look on it. In this sample a tabbar should be created. It has static content on the first tab and a dynamically loaded / initialized grid (data from XML file) on the second tab.

It works nice in Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome, but not in IE.

I also attached some screenshots, so you get a feeling for it, what it does and what not (in case of IE)… (180 KB)


i have a similar problem, but not only with IE7. It doesn´t work in IE6 AND IE8 as well.

You didn’t set the sizes for tabbar container. Try to set width and height - and problem will be fixed:

Thank you for your input. This solved my problem.