Tabbar text left alignment and AutoResizing of the Grid with

Can I have the same appearance of the Tabbar as available in the Live Demo with the Tabbar text appearing in the left vertically and with the same colour.

I read in one of the posts that we might have to use Image instead of text for alignment.Can you provide a sample snippet for the same if it has to be done only that way.

Also the Tabbar contains a Grid with enableAutoHeight() to resize the grid based to the contents.But since the grid now is within a Tabbar whose width and height properties defined in div,the Tabbar is showing extra spaces beneath the grid.

The enableAutoResize(true,true) is not working for the Tabbar.

with the Tabbar text appearing in the left vertically
There is no way to organize such view by pure text, the tabbar on Live Demo uses images with text for left side tabs.
Tabbar on Live Demo uses “modern” skin, which included as in dhtmlxtabbar package and can be enabled by adding next line to tabbar’s init code

>>Can you provide a sample snippet for the same if it has to be done only that way.
Works the same as normal tab adding
instead of
tabbar.addTab(12,“some text”,"")
You may use

Also the Tabbar contains a Grid with enableAutoHeight()
Unfortunately such scenario is not supported currently. enableAutoResize|enableAutoSize functionality of tabbar purposed for static content not for dynamic one.