Task progress is not visible in Gantt v9

Gantt progress is not shown if setting a custom value in the color property of the task in v9.

Hello Cairo,
By default, Gantt adds a partially transparent gray color to the progress element. But if you colorize tasks, it is possible to set darker colors, and it means that the progress won’t be visible. For this reason, if you add the color property, Gantt adds the gantt_task_inline_color class name to the progress element, so that you can customize the color the way you want:
https://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/desktop__colouring_tasks.html#:~:text=If%20at%20least%20one%20of%20the%20properties%20of%20a%20task%20object%20is%20assigned%2C%20the%20task%20receives%20additional%20class%20"gantt_task_inline_color". You%20can%20use%20this%20class%20to%20override%20some%20other%20style%20for%20the%20task%20(use%20the%20".gantt_task_line.gantt_task_inline_color"%20selector%20for%20the%20class)%3A

If you don’t use darker colors, you can restore the original styles:

.gantt_task_line.gantt_task_inline_color .gantt_task_progress {
    background-color: var(--dhx-gantt-task-progress-color);
    opacity: unset;

Here is the snippet:

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