i have the following problem in my implementation:
I provide the chart with the dates 10-05-2014 and 20-05-2014 as start and end date for a task. dhtmlxGantt then shows the correct dates in the columns on the left (2014-05-10, 2014-05-20) but in the chart itself the task ends at 2014-05-19 …
Is there a known issue that the calculation of duration for a task is done wrong in dhtmlxGantt?
I could fix the issue by providing duration+1 instead of end date, but then if i would show the end date on the left, it would be wrong.
This is not exactly a bug. 20-05-2014 is interpreted as 00:00:00 20 May 2014 - which means task ends by 20 May, not including the day.
If you want to show dates inclusively, try to modify the template function for the columns docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt … plate.html