text colour based on cell value

Hi Guys,

I am creating a grid that shows a large number of values (22 columns & 300 plus rows) for an in-house app and need a way of making a cells text green if it’s a negative value and red if it’s a positive value, but only for columns 4 & 5.

Any Ideas how I might do this?

Can i pass a colour inside my XML data possibly?

I have dhmlxGrid Pro just in case that make any difference.

Thanks in advance


Can i pass a colour inside my XML data possibly?
Yes, you can. You can use “class” or “style” cell attributes to specify cell color.
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/doc … index.html
Also can create custom eXcell type and redefine setValue() method of the cell. Please find tutorial here docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … l_creation

Works great. Thanks!!