the cell can't submit with dataProcessor

I achieve that when I click a cell, a window with a input element appears. I input something to the input, then I use this value to set the cell value. After this, the window close. But the grid can’t submit. Why? the code like that:

xxGrid.attachEvent("onEditCell", function(stage, rId, cInd, nValue, oValue){
		if(cInd == 2)	    	
			var w2 = createWindow("hotels_user_editPasswordForUser.action^0^0^400^200^"+title);
			w2.attachEvent("onClose", function(win){
				authUserGrid.cells(rId, 2).setValue(userPWDDP);
				return true;
			return false;
		return true;

Please, try to mark the cell as updated after changing it’s value:

w2.attachEvent("onClose", function(win){ authUserGrid.cells(rId, 2).setValue(userPWDDP); dp.setUpdated(rId,true); // add such line return true; });