The dhtmlxObject's container(The div) can be autosize?

The dhtmlxGrid or dhtmlxTree are created in a div.At first,we should give the div width and height,which always make the scrollbar visible.

I want to know.Is there any way to make the div be autosize(based on the data rows) ,so the scrollbar is not visible.

You can enable auto-height of grid, in such mode, height of grid container will be encreased automatically , according to used rows.


when i use  it, web page is erro , ie give a erro,which is no such property . I use dhtmlxtreegrid


Which version of component you are using?
The command exists in both dhtmlxgrid and dhtmlxtreegrid starting from version 1.4

I use 1.5 version.the keyword “enableAutoHeight” is searched in dhtmlxgrid.js.

The order of  js's introduction will be impact it? or the  enableAutoHeight's call time is erro?

script  src="../js/dhtmlobj/dhtmltreegrid/js/dhtmlXGrid.js">

  mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');
  mygrid.selMultiRows = true;
  mygrid.imgURL = "../js/dhtmlobj/dhtmltreegrid/imgs/";
  var v_url="xxxxxxx";

script  src="../js/dhtmlobj/dhtmltreegrid/js/dhtmlXGrid.js">

  mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');
  mygrid.selMultiRows = true;
  mygrid.imgURL = "../js/dhtmlobj/dhtmltreegrid/imgs/";
  var v_url="xxxxxxx";

The order of js files and time of command call doesn’t matter ( basically command need to be called before loading data in grid, but it not really critical )
Sample of same functionality with grid 1.5 sent by email

By the way, your code snippet missing dhtmlxcommon.js , without which grid will not work at all.

thank you very much.

thak you!  now  The “enableAutoHeight” is working.

but there is a strange thing has happened. In the page ,I have a dhtmlxcombo and a dhtmlxtreegrid.when the treegrid is enableAutoHeight, the dhtmlxcombo’s position is very strange, It

Deviate its location 50~100 px

If you have combo opened, and expand the grid after that - such behavior can really occur.
The position of combo list is fixed , and not changed when surrounding layout shifted.

You can try to add next code to grid’s init
return true;