The week agenda is not displaying the top header completely.


I have used “Timeline”, “Day”, “Week Agenda” and “Month” views in my scheduler. There is a problem while displaying the Week Agenda view. The top 56 pixels are not getting displayed. This does not happen for any other views other than Week agenda view. Can you please guide us on this?

I have attached the screen shots. I have also attached the code for the page.


Attached the word document.

Here is the attachment again, notice that it displays “top : -56px”.


As this doesn’t happen in our samples please provide link to your page where this issue could be reproduced.

Kind regards,

As this application is not hosted anywhere yet, I am providing you the code which is used here.

/codebase/ext/dhtmlxscheduler_expand.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> /codebase/skins/dhtmlxform_dhx_skyblue.css" /> /codebase/dhtmlxwindows.css"/> /codebase/skins/dhtmlxwindows_dhx_skyblue.css"/> /codebase/dhtmlxcombo.css" /> /codebase/dhtmlxscheduler_glossy.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8" /> td.dhx_matrix_scell.item { height:auto; } html,body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .one_line { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px; text-align: left !important; } .dhx_cal_event_line { height:auto; } /*event in day or week view*/ .dhx_cal_event.release_ticket div { background-color: #9EF49F !important; border: 2px solid blue; } /*multi-day event in month view*/ .dhx_cal_event_line.release_ticket { background-color: #9EF49F !important; border: 2px solid blue; } /*event with fixed time, in month view*/ .dhx_cal_event_clear.release_ticket { background-color: #9EF49F !important; border: 2px solid blue; height:auto; } /*event in day or week view*/ .dhx_cal_event.critical_ticket div { /*background-color:red !important; */ background-color: #F49E9E !important; } /*multi-day event in month view*/ .dhx_cal_event_line.critical_ticket { /*background-color:purple !important;*/ background-color: #F49E9E !important; } /*event with fixed time, in month view*/ .dhx_cal_event_clear.critical_ticket { background-color: #F49E9E !important; }


Please try again using attached file.

Best regards,
Ilya (2.73 KB)

This works, thanks Ilya!!
