The X axis in a 3 element horiz chart gets skewed

using stacked barH horiz bar chart that otherwise works, when I allow values over 100 (%) then the x axis values change

I had logic to clamp the value to 100 % but found it needs to reflect either the true value or have some way to show its past 100%. right now on one if the first charts value is 102? then the horiz x axis starts at -2 and ends at 98 ??

there are 3 bars it would be nice if it just scales as they all start at zero % and the number is right, so if we have 102, 80 and 67 it needs to always start the chart at 0 but at least end on some even number, or end on the 5’s 95/100/105/110/115 etc and not end at 98?

its a great control, but any ideas on this are greatly appreciated


could you please provide a sample code for the problem ?

[code] myBarChart = new dhtmlXChart({
multiline: true,
view: “stackedBarH”,
container: “chartDiv”,
value: “#spent#”,

            label: function (obj) {

                if (obj.rname == "Remaining" && timeused > 100 ) {
                    return "<span style='font-size:22px; color: red'>" + obj.spent + "%" + "</span>";
                return "<span style='font-size:22px; color: white'>" + obj.spent + "%" + "</span>";
            color: "#5ac923",
            width: 38,

            alpha: 0.7,
            xAxis: {
                start: 0,

                end: 100
            padding: {
                left: 250,
                right: 18,
            yAxis: {

                template: function (obj) {

                    return "<p style='font-size:14px;color:black;'>" + obj.rname + "</p>" + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

            value: "#rrmain#",
            color: "#c5c6c4",
            label: ""
        my_data = [{ spent: Remaining, rrmain: quotient1, rname: "Elapsed&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   " },
                   { spent: Itemcompl, rrmain: quotient2, rname: "Estimate of Items Complete&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" },
                   { spent: Moneyspent, rrmain: quotient3, rname: "Money Spent&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   " }];

        myBarChart.parse(my_data, "json");[/code]

the scaling problem comes from adding a 2nd series, which was in the requirement to show the chart value against a grey background the length of the chart

update: it still wont work. the logic to find the largest of the 3 values? is arbitrary. If the 3 values are 102, 87, 80 it may find any of the 3 to be the largest number. in one use with an SQL record it works but some other one fails. will try converting in the server/backend instead.

wrong version:

amtSpent = "40"; total = "100"; Remaining = "@Model.TimeElapsed"; quotient1 = (100 - Remaining); Itemcompl= "@Model.ItemsCompleted"; quotient2 = (100 - Itemcompl); Moneyspent = "@Model.MoneySpent"; quotient3 = (100 - Moneyspent); pSpent = (1 / (total / amtSpent)) * 100; perSpent = Math.round(pSpent); Overflowed = "@Model.ItemOverdue";

Here the 2nd series is clamped to 0 if we’re over 100% Make the 2nd series 0 scales it right

amtSpent = "40"; total = "100"; Remaining = "@Model.TimeElapsed"; quotient1 = Remaining > 99? 0: (100 - Remaining); Itemcompl= "@Model.ItemsCompleted"; quotient2 = Itemcompl> 99? 0: (100 - Itemcompl); Moneyspent = "@Model.MoneySpent"; quotient3 = Moneyspent > 99? 0: (100 - Moneyspent); pSpent = (1 / (total / amtSpent)) * 100; perSpent = Math.round(pSpent); Overflowed = "@Model.ItemOverdue";

note that the one with 80% no longer falls on the 80% line, this is unusable. the bottom 2, the grey area extends past 100%, this is wrong. The top one can go past.

I guess the fix was to find the largest of the 3 numbers and use this to scale the thing, largest value = “end” value. Was tricky because of how the logic seemed backwards at first:

 biggest3 = biggest1 > biggest2 ? biggest2 : biggest1;

seems like biggest 1 greater than biggest 2? yes? then use biggest 1, otherwise 2, reversed it and it discriminates right