There is a splicing issue with exporting multiple PDF files in Gantt charts*18390yk*_ga*MTMxNjE0ODA0My4xNjc1MDYxNDI4*_ga_N87XPB4GSG*MTcwMTQxOTQ2OS43Ni4xLjE3MDE0MjI1NjcuMzIuMC4w

May I ask if multiple PDF files downloaded in this example have inconsistent page numbers.

Please help answer, thank you.

It is a bug in the export module that the last file is always scaled in bulk multipage export. Because of that, you may have different number of pages, but it has the correct data. The issue also occurs, if there is padding or something similar that causes empty space to occur on the page.

One of the possible workarounds is to manually calculate the exported page width:

Another possible workaround is to use padding instead of margin:

The dev team will fix the bug in the future, but I cannot give you any ETA.