Time performance issue when parsing more than 10000 tasks

When parsing a huge data(over 10,000 tasks) there is a time performance issue.

I use two charts without using gantt option(only show grid), using multi-gantt chart option.
The problem is that it takes a long long time to parse over 10,000 task, more than a minute.

I don’t know why because it takes only around 4 to 5 seconds to parse 50,000 tasks in this example(https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/5/1120eaa52).

Why this happened?
What is the difference between my work and the example?

Thank you.

  • FYI, my gantt version is 7.1.6. Does this matter…?

I checked the performance with a simple example, including with older versions of Gantt. I set up two Gantt instances without showing timelines and loaded 50,000 tasks. Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce the issue, it takes a few seconds to load. Perhaps there are some additional configurations in your application. Try to reproduce the issue in the snippet https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/40tsh9uz?text=gantt and send it to me. Describe additional details or provide access to a demo.

Hi Maksim,

Sadly it’s impossible to upload a whole code due to my company’s security policy.

Could you explain how gantt.parse() method works simply?
Maybe I could get some clue from that…

  • gantt.config.show_chart = false; -> Is this a right way to make timeline disable?

Again, thank you for spending your time on me.


Sadly it’s impossible to upload a whole code due to my company’s security policy.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell what the problem might be without access to your code. Try to localize the event that causes the delay in parsing the data. You can use the “Performance” tab in DevTools. As an alternative, I can suggest the following: here is an example https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/ogx1xk1q in which all event handlers are collected, you can copy them into your code and see in the console which of the events takes the most time when parsing data.
It should be noted that logging to the console (console.log("...")) slows down performance.

Could you explain how gantt.parse() method works simply?

We can’t simply explain how the parse() method works, because a lot can change depending on the Gantt config.

gantt.config.show_chart = false; -> Is this a right way to make timeline disable?

Yes, you are right, gantt.config.show_chart = false is the correct way to disable the timeline.