Time spacing and chaging the look

I was able to change the hour scale up to 88 to get it aligned to the hour bars in the calendar. I need to figure out how to center the hours though, but what I’m more interested in is I set the time to 15 minutes, so now the hour is broken into 4 15 minute sections.

I’m using the default skin/theme for scheduler.net commercial license that I bought. How do I change the current look:

to this:

I found it…

In the scripts\dhtmlxscheduler folder were the images for the default skin/look which is terrace.

I edited the databg.png and the databg_now.png files and alternated the color scheme and changed the look and the spacing.

Everything is exactly as I wanted it to look.

instead of replacing image files in component codebase, consider changing images from css.
You can use these selectors:

.dhx_scale_holder { background-image: url(imgs_flat/databg.png); } .dhx_scale_holder_now { background-image: url(imgs_flat/databg_now.png); }

Thanks! Just changed it that way, works great :slight_smile: