Timeline : bug with next button

I’ve made a timeline view with these parameters :

scheduler.createTimelineView({ section_autoheight: false, name: "timeline", x_unit: "hour", x_date: "%H:%s", x_step: 1, x_size: 13, x_start: 7, x_lenght: 24, y_unit: sections, y_property: "id_salarie", render:"tree" });

Then i have a view for a day between 7:00 and 20:00

With these parameters, the next button is doing nothing and the previous button work perfectly.

If i change to these parameters :

scheduler.createTimelineView({ section_autoheight: false, name: "timeline", x_unit: "hour", x_date: "%H:%s", x_step: 1, x_size: 24, x_start: 0, x_lenght: 24, y_unit: sections, y_property: "id_salarie", render:"tree" });

the next button work perfectly.

Any idea ?


x_lenght: 24,

Hehe, it should be “x_length”.

Kind regards,

Thanks a lot !!!