timeline cell mode


I need for timeline week view, i use cell-mode of timeline view.
But i need view events information inside cell, is it possible?


If i understood you correctly when you wish events title to be displayed in the cells instead of number of events in the matrix mode?

There is a template


where ‘matrix’ is the name of your timeline view which is called for every cell in the current view with the array of events for that cell.

You can redefine it, for example:

scheduler.templates["matrix_cell_value"] = function(ar){ // ar = array of events for that cell or undefined if(ar) { // there are some events text = ''; for(var i=0; i<ar.length; i++) text += "<p>"+ar[i].text+"</p>"; return text; } return ""; };

Check attachment how day with two events and such template will be displayed.

Best regards,

it is very grateful!!!
thanks you!!