Timeline create Event

When I double click on the cells from timeline , I get this error message on the Console(Firefox):

TypeError: scheduler.getActionData is not a function
[Bei diesem Fehler anhalten]


dhtmlx…line.js (Zeile 36)

what am I doing wrong ?? Please HELP Thank You


Please provide detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue.
Can you do it in included samples?

Thank you.

Kind regards,

I can only explain my steps:



and here is javascript code for de persons plus timeline view:

var myArr_raum = new Array();
type: “POST”,
url: dynamicurl + “?OID=DIRECT_CIMS.toplist&queryinraumverwaltung=1&MARKUPLANGUAGE=JSON&fieldstofetch=name,ID&queryID=”+raum,
dataType: “json”,
success: function(data) {

	var myArr_raum = new Array();
            for (element in data){
            	for(var i= 0; i < data[element].length; i++)
        			myArr_raum.push({key:data[element][i].ID, label:data[element][i].name});
   //	$('.dhx_cal_event .dhx_body').css({'background-color': '#FFBD51','border':'1px solid #FFBD51','color':'#000'});
    sections_raum = myArr_raum;     
	scheduler.locale.labels.top_tab = "R\&auml;ume";
	scheduler.config.collision_limit = 0;
	                  		          {name:"description", height:20, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true},
	                  		          {name:"description2", height:80, map_to:"text_des", type:"textarea" , focus:true},
	                  		          {name:"person", height:23, type:"select", options:sections_person, map_to:"person_id"},
	                  		          {name:"top", height:23, type:"select", options:sections_raum, map_to:"raum_id"},
	                  		          {name:"ausstattung", height:23, type:"select", options:sections_raumausstattung, map_to:"raumausstattung_id"},
	                  		          {name:"type", height:23, type:"select", options:sections_types, map_to:"type_id"},
	                  		          {name:"verrechenbar", height:23, type:"select", options:sections_verrechenbar, map_to:"verrechenbar"},
	                  		          {name:"recurring", height:23, type:"recurring",  map_to:"rec_type", button:"recurring"},
	                  		          {name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"} ]
//	scheduler.setLoadMode("person");
	scheduler.load(staticurl +"/GUI/mm2/javascript/Calendar/source/codebase/common/events.xml?uid=" +scheduler.uid());
	scheduler.load(dynamicurl + "?OID=DIRECT_ICRS.module.calendar.taskcalendarxml\&queryuseraccesswrite_ID="+user+"\&querytop_ID="+raum+"\&VIEW=BUILD\&uid=" +scheduler.uid());	

test = sections_raum;
		//section_autoheight: false,
		name: "timeline",
		x_unit: "hour",
		x_date: "%H",
		x_step: 6,
		x_size: 28,
		y_start: 8,
		y_end: 23,
		second_scale: {
		x_unit: "day",
		x_date: "%d/%m/%Y"
		y_unit: sections_raum,
		y_property: "raum_id",
		dy: 60,
		render: "tree",
		folder_dy: 20

	});	 [/code]

I have just copied from the sample source code of one to one from dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … line.shtml
and tried. Unfortunately, the error message is the same :

TypeError: scheduler.getActionData is not a function
[Bei diesem Fehler anhalten]

var pos = scheduler.getActionData(e);

which could not match?? PLEASE Help