Timeline Day view has not coped with Daylight Savings


So today we have switched into daylight savings (forward 1 hour) and the day timeline view for the 5th of October has not survived. The hour scale shows 00:00, 01:00, 01:00, 01:00 and so on for the entire day.

Dragging events is also impossible now as they keep going to the first 01:00.

This is the code I use to generate the timeline day view:

    name:	"timeline_day",
    x_unit:	"hour",
    x_date:	dxTimeFormat,
    x_step:	1,
    x_size: 24,
    x_length: 24,
    section_autoheight: false,
    y_unit:	scheduler.serverList("sections"),
    y_property:	"res_id",
        x_unit: "day",
        x_date: "%l"

Hope you can help.

we’ve confirmed the problem. Try this patch (you can add it to the page right after dhtmlxscheduler.js)
scheduler.date-dst.zip (407 Bytes)

That patch sort of worked…

I didn’t have quite the same issue as rhomit, but I did notice that my markedTimeSpans were broken for the first Sunday of October.
My 8:30-9am block was covering 9:30-10am and my 5-5:30pm block was nowhere to be seen.

With the patch my marked times appear to be in the correct places on the edges of my displayed time, only now the hours displayed are 9:30am - 6:30pm. (Which seems wrong, given I had to get up an hour earlier, not later haha)
But only for the first Sunday in October (have checked previous 2 years), and similarly for the first Sunday in April only the hours displayed change to 7:30am - 4:30pm.


Thank-you for creating the patch.

It has corrected the most serious issue however there is an interesting sideeffect on the timeline day view.

Sunday the 5th of October shows 0 - 23 hours of Sunday and the first hour of Monday…

Is there anyway to correct this?
