Timeline Next/Prev Bug?

Hi All

Using latest version (downloaded a week ago). I modified the following sample so that it shows 7 days to view and steps forward in 7 day increments:


  • Click Today, and it correctly shows May 5-11
  • Now click Next, instead of may 12-18, I get May 18-24.

The file is attached and the relevant section is here:

				name:	"timeline",
				x_unit:	"hour",
				x_date:	"%g%a",
				x_step:	8,
				x_size: 21,
				x_start: 0,
				x_length:	21,
				y_unit:	sections,
				y_property:	"section_id",

So my step is 8 hours; thus 3 steps per day. My size is 21 (21 * 8 hours = 7 days), and my length 21. which I understand to mean move forward 21 steps = (21 * 8 hours = 7 days).

Did i misundertand or is it a bug?


02_lines.7z (1.26 KB)

you may try specifying ‘timeline_start’ config as described in this topic

If nothing helps, try to use the most recent dev build. Timeline seems working correctly there
dhtmlxScheduler_140502.zip (510 KB)

Thanks Aliaksandr

I don’t think the ‘timeline_start’ will work, as I need to start from today, not start of week.

Where can I find the latest dev builds?

Can I replace just …timeline.js?



Hi Aliaksandr

I’m still in proof of concept stage, so don’t have a license or support contract. We will definitely buy these if concept works (90% there: this bug is one of the few remaining obstacles). Any idea when there will be a release with this fix?



Have you tried the above js files ?
I have checked your code with latest dev. version ( same as above attached one ) and it works correctly.

Scheduler 4.1 will be released till the end of May

sorry about that. Didn’t even see the attachment. Nadine posted a fiddle that worked, so I grabbed the version from there. good to hear 4.1 will be out soon

thanks a lot
