Timeline View event display problem

I am using the latest version of dhtmlxScheduler (4.3.1) and have it configured to display in Timeline View multisection format. I recently noticed that the events in each section have started displaying all on one line. This is not a problem if there is no timeframe overlap between events. However, if two or more events have the same start and end dates they line up on top of each other. This leaves only the topmost event visible and hides any other events underneath.

If I remember correctly, dhtmlxScheduler did not always behave this way. Events with timeframe overlaps used to divide themselves evenly to share the height of their respective section. The height of each event was reduced and the events with timeframe overlaps were stacked one above the other in each section leaving everything entirely visible. Have I inadvertently changed something?

Thanks in advance,


Do you have such problem on samples?
docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/sample … vents.html

Check timeline options ( docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … eview.html )
Possibly you’ve set section_autoheight to false. But in this case it seems like it also should work.

If you still have this issue, could you provide sample where issue can be reproduced?

Thanks for the quick response Sten.

The issue has been resolved. My timeline is configured to read from a database. I deleted the records in the table that is used by my timeline and have just entered a series of new records. The timeline events are now organized as expected with no overlay. I’m not sure why this resolved the issue but everything works.

Thanks again. John