Hello, I can not find nor figure out how to limit my y-unit to what is returned in the events data.
Meaning I have an instructor(can be multiple instructors) field for my event, I use a server list to populate my y-units. The server list pulls all instructors from the instructor table and displays them all. I just want the instructors that are tied to an event to be displayed. Is this possible?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Just to clarify, you want to display only sections(instructors), that have events, on them, am I right?
There is no built-in config for that, but you can implement it with the selectEvents method: https://docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/timeline_view.html#timelineobjectapi
which allows you to get events assigned for some section, and the updateCollection method, which allows you to dynamically update elements of the Y-axis.
The logic of the solution could be to loop through all sections, with the selectEvents => remove all empty sections from the array, that you will use as the y_unit property => call the udpateCollection method with the new array:
var sections = scheduler.serverList("sections", [
{key:1, label:"Apartment 1"},
{key:2, label:"Apartment 2"},
{key:3, label:"Apartment 3"},
{key:4, label:"Apartment 4"}
function getClear(arr){
var clearedSections = [];
var timeline = scheduler.getView();
arr.forEach(el => {
var evs = timeline.selectEvents({
section: el.key,
if(evs) clearedSections.push(el)
return clearedSections;
function filterEmptySections(){
scheduler.updateCollection("sections", getClear(sections));