Timeline: Weekend Coloring


If I am using the timeline view, how do I make weekends a different color from the rest of the weekdays? For example, how can I make the background of the weekends say a light blue?

Another question: How can I alternate the backgrounds of the days. For example, if I have a 7 day timeline view starting from the July 01 - July 08, how can I have July 01’s background be say white, July 02’s background blue, July 03’s background white and so on?

Any help would be extremely appreciated.


[code] css class for timeline cells:

scheduler.templates.timeline_cell_class = function(evs, date, section) {
// evs - list of events which will be displayed in this cell
// date - date for which cell is displayed
// section - object with section’s properties(e.g. section.key, section.label)
return “”; // css class which will be assigned
Kind regards,


I tried adding that into the


And added the following to it… but it did not work.
I guess I am missing something basic/simple but I can’t figure out what it is.

Would you be able to provide a little more hints? Thanks!

    <style type="text/css" media="screen">
		.alt_color {
			background-color: #000C0F;
		alt_color {
			background-color: #000C0F;
	scheduler.templates.timeline_cell_class = function(evs, date, section) {
	   // evs - list of events which will be displayed in this cell
	   // date - date for which cell is displayed
	   // section - object with section's properties(e.g. section.key, section.label)
	   return "alt_color"; // css class which will be assigned


Apologies… The above did work. I just forgot to change the color to something more different.
Sorry about that!