Timer fired event triggered every 0.1ms when grid hidden


I’m developing a web page having a grid.
To ensure the performence, I check the profiler included in IE.

I notice that Timer fired event triggered every 0.1ms when grid hidden.

I’m not sure is it working properly.

Do you have any idea?

<!-- It makes Timer fired event triggered, because of 'display:none' in style attribute -->
<div id="gridbox" style="width:600px;height:250px;background-color:white;display:none"></div>

mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');


Could you clarify your issue? What event is occurring for you each 0.1ms.

If the problem still occurs for you pleas,e provide with any kind of sample of your code or with a complete demo, where the problem can be reconstructed.
Here you can find a tutorial about creating a complete demo:
docs.dhtmlx.com/auxiliary_docs__ … pport.html

Thank you for replying.

I made the complete sample code and attached it.

I think the code below makes problem. ‘display:none’

<div id="box" style="display:none">

When the grid is loaded on the div if div is hidden, the grid makes time fired event rapidly.

But once the div is shown, the event stop and never repeat.

Please check this out.
my_demo.zip (374 KB)

Screen shot

Your issue is confirmed, but unfortunately it won’t be fixed.
It is recommended to init the grid into the non-hidden container.
You may try to use the following solution:
the container is not hidden onload, but right when the grid is inited hide the container.