Timezone hour change in timeline view


I’m having some trouble configuring a timeline with the 7 days of the week starting on a Monday and have each day separated in 2, just like this:


And my trouble is due the hour change in my timezone.

For example, in 2018-10-28 the hour changes and we get in that day “00:00” and “11:00” instead of the usual “00:00” and “12:00”. Besides that, the next button stops working. The same happens in 2018-03-25 where we get “00:00” and “13:00” instead.

Is there any way to get the correct values in those days?

Can I tweak somehow the scheduler._set_timeline_dates function to get the result I want?



Yes, I can try to provide you with a workaround.
Please create a ticket in our support system and also specify your timezone to get a solution.

The timezone is the one in Lisbon, Portugal.

I’ve tried to create a ticket, but the support period of the account that was used to buy the license has expired… Sorry about that…