Toolbar types bug

When dhx is used with typescript i noticed that the method toolbar.setState() doesn’t recognise boolean values.

Here is the typescript declaration:

export interface IState {
    [key: string]: string;

so if we have a two state button or some other control which state is based on a boolean value the typescript will complain and won’t compile.

Hello Nikolai.

Thank you for your report. The problem was confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in one of the future updates.
I’ll inform you about any progress on this issue.

Hello Nikolai.

We fixed your reported issue in the latest dhx.Suite update (v8.3.7).
Now the IState is string/boolean:

export interface IState {
	[key: string]: string | boolean;

Please, download the latest dhx.Suite build to get this fix.
Thank you for your report.