Tooltips on month view.

Is it possible?

About month view.

  1. remove text bar event day.
  2. Fill color to event day
  3. Add tool tip.

In previous,
I try to use mini-calendar and it can’t add tool tip into mini-calendar(I found in other forum).
That’s why I need change it to this new solution in this post.

See in attached file for example.

it seems to require quite a lot of customization, which brings the question of the appropriateness of a month view for this task.
It may be easier to use minicalendar extension and modify it in order to support tooltips. You can copy not modified version of dhtmlxscheduler_minical.js from the package and do all required customizations and then add it to the page using the Extensions collection


The url should be specified relatively to Scripts/dhtmlxScheduler/ext folder