Total Row Count


I am taking the count of the rows and the sum of price column of dhtmlxgrid. I am getting the proper output then only when sum of the rows are less that 100 and If total number of rows are exceds that 100 the It gives me an error.

i.e c.childNodes ha no property in dhtmlxgrid.js file

Please reply me as soon as possible.



Are you using dynamic or static smart rendering mode? Total rows counter can work only with static loading (all rows are loaded at once)


    If I have 300 records and which are coming from the database. So how can I take the count as the rows are coming dynamically from the database
Please reply me as soon as possible.


If you are using dyn. loading - it not possible to calculate such info on the client side ( it can be calculated only if all data loaded on client side, which is not the case for dyn. loading )


    But how it can be done for the static data for more than 300 records


If you are not using dyn. loading - the count of row doesn’t matter. Stats and row count values will work for any count of rows.
In case of dyn. loading - all calculations need to be done only on server side.