Totally Lost, Why Init is not working,Where are the settings

Sorry, I’m new and I’m confused.
I was trying to get scheduler mobile to work with JQuery. After hours of digging i found the way to initialize it. by putting the container: “”, in the dhx.ui settings. But the problems are:

1: None of the scheduler.config.* settings are working. Even i put then before the constructor which i guess is dhx.ready(function(){});
2: I cannot get rid of the month view and the note view. All i wanted was just a single day view is there a way i can do it??
3: there are no settings documented under mobile section of the support. I have no clue at all where to look for settings doc since what i found from Scheduler settings does not work.

Please help me out, How to get this thing going???
Can some one point me to a correct documentation regarding mobile scheduler settings and methods?
-------------------------Codes Below-------------------------------------

<---------------the scheduler div
[Javascript] $(document).ready(function(e) { scheduler.config.details_on_create=true; scheduler.config.details_on_dblclick=true; scheduler.config.default_date = "%d %M %Y"; scheduler.config.month_date = "%F %Y"; scheduler.config.week_date = "%l"; scheduler.config.day_date = "%d/%m/%Y"; scheduler.config.hour_date = "%H:%i"; scheduler.config.month_day = "%d"; scheduler.config.api_date = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s"; scheduler.config.xml_date = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s"; scheduler.config.time_step = 5; scheduler.config.hour_size_px = 42; scheduler.config.first_hour = 8; scheduler.config.last_hour = 17; scheduler.config.start_on_monday = true; <=======None of the above seems working dhx.ready(function(){ dhx.ui({ container: "schedulerDiv", view: "scheduler", id: "scheduler" }); }); });

You can exclude “month” button from the bottom_toolbar structure. Here is the full toolbar configuration: … om_toolbar