Transition/Animation Effects

Thank you for a great product. I love the online designer - what a time saver. I have one request how can I add as an attribute/property to the UI elements the ability to perform transitions like slide in/out, flip vertical/horizontal, etc?

In existing version you can use only slide-left, slide-right animation between different view.
We will add the full set of transitions in later versions.

In current code you can group view which must be animated in tabbar and call to show the necessary view ( which will be done with sliding effect )

view:"tabbar", cells:[ { id:"view1" template:"A data here" }, { id:"view2" template:"B data here" }, { id:"view3" template:"C data here" } ]

$$('view2').show(); //will be shown with slide animation

How can I continue a flash animation on multiple pages? I’m building my own web portfolio and I’m using a flash logo (it sounds bad but looks great) where 3 letters are animated. However, i would like to keep the animation playing when the user switches pages (it will be in the top left hand corner in the margin on all content pages). Is there any code that i could use for this?


could you provide a sample? It would help to understand the problem.

Hi All,
I’m a newbie to dhtmlx. How you’ll get the value of the “key” attribute once you click the item in the tabbar. Can you provide me some sample. I’m not able to find much help in the documentation :blush:


You can use

$$('tabbar_button').attachEvent("onaftertabclick", function(button_id, segment_id){ do_some(); });

i wish to perform transition/animation effects when user switch between pages, please tell me how to do it?

Check … _animation

You can’t animate page reloading, but if you have two different content sets in different view of multiview - you can animate transition between them.