tree.attachEvent will not work

tree = new dhtmlXTreeObject('treeboxbox_tree', '100%', '100%', 0); tree.preventIECaching(true); tree.enableIEImageFix(true); tree.setDataMode("json"); tree.setEscapingMode("utf8"); tree.setSkin('dhx_skyblue'); tree.setImagePath("codebase/imgs/csh_dhx_skyblue/"); tree.setStdImages("folderClosed.gif","folderClosed.gif","folderOpen.gif"); tree.enableDragAndDrop(true); tree.enableImageDrag(true); tree.enableItemEditor(true); tree.attachEvent("onSelect", function(id){alert("works")});

The attachedEvent don’t fires? What else have I to do to fire an onSelect event. I want to load a grid with some corresponding data for the node id’s.

The enent handler shall destroy and afterwards load new datasets korresponding to the selected tree item. I mean to the id of the tree node. I have a second table in database with some special data for each node of the tree.

This should start onSelect Event on the nodes id in the tree.

What DHTMLX, browser and system version do you have?