Tree Lock Item doesn't allow item to be dragged after locked

I set up a tree like so -

tree.insertNewChild( 0, “rootID”, “” );

tree.insertNewNext( “rootID”, “contractID”, “Contract” );

tree.insertNewNext( “contractID”, “taskOrderID”, “Task Order” );

tree.insertNewNext( “taskOrderID”, “projectID”, “Project” );

tree.insertNewNext( “projectID”, “airportID”, “Airport” );

tree.insertNewNext( “airportID”, “terminalID”, “Terminal” );

tree.insertNewNext( “terminalID”, “checkpointID”, “Checkpoint” );

tree.insertNewNext( “checkpointID”, “laneID”, “Lane” );

tree.lockItem( “rootID”, true );

Then, when I try to drag airportID to be above contractID, I cannot. I can drag and move to below contractID. I think that if an item is locked, and you drop on that item, then the drop should default to make the dropped item a sibling of the locked item.

Also, the only reason I’m adding this dummy rootID, is because without it, I cannot drag anything below Contract above it. If I want to change order to be - (Lane, Contract, Task Order, Project, Airport, Terminal, Checkpoint), I have to drag Lane below Contract, and then drag Contract below Lane. I was attempted to work around this issue by adding the locked root item, but then this problem happened.

Locked items not involved in any d-n-d operations. They can’t be draged , and can’t be used as d-n-d targets.
In your situation , you can use custom d-n-d rules instead of item locking ( remove locks, and add onDrag event handler, from which you will be able to allow|deny|change d-n-d operations )