
is it possible to lock an item with dhtmlxTree.

i tryed the following code from the forum:


but only get following failure:

“tree.lockItem is not a function”

i have tried this with the Sample from: /samples/drag_n_drop/tree_drag.html

tree=new dhtmlXTreeObject(“treeboxbox_tree”,“100%”,“100%”,0);





            tree2=new dhtmlXTreeObject(“treeboxbox_tree2”,“100%”,“100%”,0);





greets michael

There are two issues
a) dhtmlxtree_li.js need to be included in HTML page
b) loading of data is async, so correct code will be


Thanks, this work! But i have the next question.

Is it possible to insert a item with drag and drop to a locked Item?

greets michael

The item in locked state can’t be draged, and can’t be used as drop target.