Tree structure incorrect

I cannot figure out what’s wrong with my XML:


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?> [/code]

It seems correctly structured to me, but it produces a tree like the attached.

The columns and indexes for each table all appear under the first table node.
Each table has columns ‘id’, ‘name’. The table ‘service’ has an additional column ‘service_type_id’

There must be something wrong with the XML, but I just cannot see it…

You have IDs with “.” symbol. It splits you ID-text and returns text after шею Please, rename items with “.” - it can be something like “service_type_id”

Darya - I have tried changing the IDs to contain underscores instead of periods, but it has made no difference.

Ah, sorry… You have doubled IDs: “Columns”, “Indexes” and “PRIMARY_id”. Repetitions of IDs are inadmissible in a dhtxmlTree.

OK - fixed the IDs, and everything works perfectly now!

Once again, thanks for your time.

You are welcome!