tree unable to drag drop sibling item at the highest level

I have a tree in a dhtmlx window with dragdrop behaviour set to sibling. Somehow I am not able to drag and drop the sibling above topmost item. Though I can drag topmost most item down. Here is sample code:






The “sibling” mode allows to drop item below other, but not above. You may use “complex” mode , which allows both behaviors.

“sibling” mode does allow item to drop above other except the top one. I tried ‘complex’ mode and it does let me drag to the top but it also lets item to be child of another which I don’t need. I need the sibling behavior in terms of relationship between items.


above other except the top one
While it may look as above, in-grid logic treates it as “below the next item”, this is limitation of used approach , which can’t be changed easily.

>> but it also lets item to be child of another which I don’t need.
While it may be not the best solution, the next code used with “complex” drag behavior, will block any attempt to drop as child.

if (!bid) return false;
return true;

Thanks, that solution with ‘complex’ to block drop as child works good but now items can not be dropped to the bottom most.

Yep, I missed this point.
The next code works correctly for both top and bottom positions

if (!this.dadmodec) return false;
return true;

Working sample sent by email.