Tree with sub_row_grid

I have a tree grid and on the last level I want it to open a sub grid

I’m using a rendered tree grid and I want to render the sub grid too

On the first level of the treegrid I have just the name, but on the second row I have a name and another column of information to display. The third and final row uses the rest of the columns. If there’s a better way to do this and have the rows still editable I am also interested in knowing.

You may set any required exCell type to your cells of the treegrid
in xml:
A Time to Kill
A Time to Kill
“A Time to Kill”,
“John Grisham”,
{“value”:“100”,“type”:“ed”} // changes the cell type
or using the setCellExcellType() method: … ltype.html

NOTE: it is not available to use the subgrid exCell type in the “tree” column of the treegrid.

I should be setting the cell type for the last level in the treegrid manually?

Here is a sample of what I’m looking for where > is 1 level further in the treegrid and [] is the subgrid

Team | Region

[Task | Work Time | Technology ]

One thing to note is that I want bidirectional communication with the database, and the grid seems to need to have no additional or unused rows for writing functionality. How can I arrange my columns to include this subgrid while maintaining bidirectional communication if I can’t change the cell in the tree column?

If this won’t work I will use a simple sub_row_grid, but I’m also having a problem with that. Dynamically generating the subgrid seems to act differently than the treegrid. It seems that the switch($level) method for treegrid does not work with sub_row_grid. When I expand a row I want it to dynamically generate the subgrid for that row

I should be setting the cell type for the last level in the treegrid manually?

Cell type can be defined in the XML | JSON data.

How can I arrange my columns to include this subgrid while maintaining bidirectional communication if I can’t change the cell in the tree column?
Subgrid is a separate object and it will load and save data separately from the main grid. You will have one endpoint for the master grid and other endpoint for the subgrid.